2012 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
Pure Life Village Tarzı " IZGARA BALIK " Tarifi
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www.purelifevillage.com www.facebook.com/purelifevillage Yıllardır yaptığım araştırmalarım ve deneyimlerimin sonucunda keşfettiğim ve hiçbir yerde bulamayacağınız IZGARA BALIK PİŞİRME tarifini sizlerle buradan paylaşmak istiyorum. Öncelikle ızgara için tavsiye ettiğim balıklar; Iskaroz , (Fethiye civarında yaşar ancak Iskarmoz balığı ile karıştırmayalım lütfen.) Çipura, Levrek, Logos (min. 200 gr. olmalı) ve Lüfer. Ancak , ızgara yapılacak balıkların büyüklüklerinin min. 100 gr ve üstü, saf deniz balığı ve dondurulmamış olmasını özellikle tavsiye ediyorum.
Nostalgia at Village of Eco Tourism / A Winter Day in 1940
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Türkçe www.purelifevillage.com I told about the origin of the story of pure life village eco tourism Project in my previous writing. In this blog, I would like to tell you that the story of a winter day in 1940 from the village constructed with Stone-soil-wood without using technology. Year 1960; The life in the village was both different and hard. Just think you live in a house without electricity and water. Think that you can not take a shower whenever you want and you spend your time in the darkness in the evenings. Think that you walk on the way not being asphalt on a winter day, how we feel so angry because our shoes got wet and mud!! This is like a punishment for a person who got accustomed to live in a city. Let’s look from a different perspective to the village life without thinking these negative sides.
Ekolojik Köyde Nostalji / 1940, Bir Kış Günü !...
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The Story of The Eco Tourism In The Abandoned Village
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Türkçe www.purelifevillage.com I would like to tell you about the rising of my Pure Life Village eco village project in the first writing of my blog. I have been working as a general manager in Liberty Hotels Lara in Lara/Antalya. I have had a dream for ages to add something to tourism sector by developing an extraordinary tourism project for the environment and poor people living in a countryside. I decided to come true the project in my dream five years ago in Beğiş susuz village,12 km away from the town of korkuteli which is the paradise of oxigen and fruit. People had a life without water for ages in the houses of the village being instructed years ago by being used stone-wood-soil without being used technology and concrete.
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English www.purelifevillage.com Blogumun ilk yazısında sizlere Pure Life Village eko köy projemin doğuşunu anlatmak istiyorum. Lara/Antalya'da bulunan Liberty Hotels Lara’nın( www.libertyhotelslara.com ) Genel Müdürlüğünü yapmaktayım. Yıllardır içimde hep kırsalda yaşayan yoksul insanlara ve çevreye yönelik sıradışı bir turizm projesi geliştirerek turizm sektörüne minicikte olsa katma değer yaratma hayalim vardı.